From Mache to Venice Island
12:34 PM Ellie 0 Comments Category : Travel

Next day (30 December 2008), after having breakfast in the hotel, which merely 3 small packets of hard bread and hot chocolate, we headed to Venice Island, the land renowned for its romantic land, breathtaking and picturesque view with unique gondola ride and magnificent architecture works.
Upon arrival at Venice, the city of merchant, we were mesmerized with the beauty which inviting me to explore the island that never fails to attract tourists all over the globe...though it was cold, we presumed nearly 1 degree or below at that time, which meant leaving gloves was molto stupido…hehehe...
One can easily get lost in Venice due to its similar features, buildings, bridges, routes so don’t be too frantic to be trapped in the same place over and over again or to be bothered by people asking for directions to get somewhere…..hehehe…So, we just sauntered along San Marco Square, feast our eyes with Venetian lace, admiring the touch of Roman sculpture on the murals, inhaled idyllic, cool, breeze air and denied constantly the temptation from pizza outlets…hehehe…and do a lot of window we just bought memorabilia and t-shirts to family and friends...
Personally, Venice very much reminds me of Pn Sharifah’s photo albums which we (Kittyna, Ian and me...hehehe) flipped one evening in her house back in the year 2003 (I think) and to put my humble feet on the Venice soil signified that I had realized one of the aims …though I might not able to fulfill all (Holland, Rome, Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland for that matter)
The only sour note, I unintentionally dropped my camera and further detail explain it really like rubbing salt to the severe injury…….
In the meantime, just enjoy the photos here….and seriously Puan Sharifah’s photo albums are much better than this so called digital thingy.

Venice Island, Italy

Gondola ride (Euro80 per-person)

St Mark Square, Bell towers....(Dodge)
Venetian Lace

shops and more shops.....
Next – Journey around the mainland of Venice and Piazella Roma.
As for now ciao