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4:53 PM Ellie 0 Comments Category :

Alhamdulillah, another entry for this month. Am not a prolific writer..hehehe...I am just having a warm up free writing session every day before I am starting my routine job. In my case writing for my thesis....huhuhuhuhu.. I pushed myself to write everyday on any topic in English as my thesis is going to be in English...and I hope will answer the curiosity (if any) on why I fond to write in this foreign language. 

So today's topic I chose from the hat (yer lah tuh..heheheh) is about souvenier...ok 

" Some people ask me what do I get myself whenever I am travelling abroad? ermm...Let me check....paper...hehehehe ya papers...but not a newspaper....there are mostly tickets, bus tickets, airline boarding pass, train or metro tickets...maps..purchasing receipts aaaa eatery receipts...hahhahaha mostly those were left  in my  bag. I purposely left those things in my sling beg till the next trip. Few days before the trip I have a habit of filtering those items, it can either be kept in the files or ended up in the trash...hehehe so I will occupy myself hours to do it, Sitting quietly, recalling the memories, jotting down the details as guide for those in need to go to that place too. Then I am arranging it and keeping it at the best place. As for now the best place is either at my mom's house, my house or Ian's house....hehehhehe...

Lemme me see what do I get myself from the trip...ermm  yaa...it is a must to buy myself a souvenir....something unique which makes me remember the place easily. Previously the gifts just limited to fridge magnet, keychains, t-shirts, table cloth, paintings depending to the budget, alas my selection has changed. It is a must item to get each time I am abroad.... but what is the must items?

As picture depicted, yes it is a mini-miniature of the place or the unique items which define the place. To date, I've got myself these....

 Woman figurine of Vietnam, Oz's Boomerang, Eiffel Tower and Big Ben 

 The famous tram in Melbourne

 London double-Decker bus 

 Cardiff Castles 

 Great wall of China

Sydney Opera House 

Certainly I would love to add more of the collections...in the wishlist are Rome Coliseum, Pisa tower, Pyramid, Holland's windmills, Edinburgh castle, Blue mosque in Turkey  and many more...huhuhuhu... so anybody going to the places? Or do you guys know how to get these in Malaya? 

Till next free writing...heheheheeh